<<2/”>a >p style=”font-weight: 400;”>                  Animal Husbandry AND Dairy

ü  Sustained efforts – Stabilized Primary Sector

ü   Technology in agriculture – bringing together global leaders in cutting edge technologies to aid small and marginal farmers

ü   Drought – a thing of the past – Sustained Growth in Agriculture and Allied sectors – Growth despite deficit rainfall

ü   Soil Health Cards to farmers – distribution based on soil test recommendations.

ü   1.43 lakh MTs reduction in consumption of Fertilizers during 2017 over 2016. Saving of Rs.220 Cr to farmers.

ü   Supply of seed – Subsidy using biometric system, e-crop booking and geo-tagging of water sources – key innovative initiatives.

ü   “Zero Budget Natural Farming’’ a comprehensive and long term welfare initiative – to reach 5 lakh farmers and to cover 5 lakh hectares.

ü   Andhra Pradesh to become a Horticulture-2/”>Horticulture hub.

ü   Micro Irrigation – A.P ranks 2nd in the country in the coverage with 20.60 lakh Ha. in 2017-18 benefitting 6.25 lakh farmers.

ü   Area coverage under Horticulture targeted to touch 40 lakh hectares by 2029 from 16.43 lakh hectares in 2017-18.

ü   Minimizing post-harvest losses which are about 5%-15% and enhancing Food Processing capacity of local crops

ü  Cold Chain Corporation is being set-up to reduce the post-harvest losses and add value to the produce

ü   To achieve self-sufficiency of fodder at village level – ‘Oorura Pashugrasa Kshetralu’ State bags 10th Global Leadership award-2017.

ü   Spectacular growth in Fisheries-2/”>Fisheries. AP to become Aqua hub of the World.. AP envisions No.1 position in processing capacity, value and highest exports of sea food.

ü   Linking markets through e-NAM to improve farmers’ income

ü   Haritha-Andhra Pradesh – Government targets 50% green cover by 2029.

v  Animal Husbandry :

ü  Animals provide nutrient rich food products, draught power, dung as organic manure and domestic fuel Hides and skin and are a regular source of cash income for rural households. Livestock are a natural capital, which can be easily reproduced to act as a living bank with offspring as interest and the best insurance against the vagaries of nature due to drought, famine and other natural calamities. This is the sector where the poor contribute to growth directly instead of getting benefit from growth generated elsewhere.

ü  Livestock have been an integral component of India’s agricultural and rural economy since times immemorial, supplying energy for crop production in terms of draught power and organic manure, and in turn deriving their own energy requirements from crop by products and residues. The progress in the sector is inclusive in nature as it results in balanced development of the rural economy particularly in reducing POVERTY amongst the weaker sections. Livestock provides stability to family income especially in the arid and semi-arid regions of the State.

v  Growth in livestock – inclusive and pro poor:

ü  Most of the animal farming activities such as fodder collection, feeding, watering, healthcare, management, milking and household-level processing, value addition and Marketing are performed by Women. The growth in livestock sector is demand-driven, inclusive and pro poor. The rate of return on Investment from Livestock sector is comparatively very high.

ü  Livestock sector apart from contributing to the state economy in general and to agricultural economy in particular, also provides EMPLOYMENT generation opportunities, asset creation, coping mechanism against crop failure and social and financial security. Livestock is the main source of animal protein for the Population. Demand for animal food products is responsive to income changes, and is expected to increase in future.

v  Milk, Meat and Egg – the key growth drivers:

ü  The Animal Husbandry, from a humble beginning of backyard Poultry, has grown into a dynamic Industry. Milk and Meat production has also made a quantum leap with the production increasing substantially. Andhra Pradesh has some of the richest livestock Resources in the country and is one of the most advanced states in Livestock sector. The State attained a prominent position in the country in Livestock Sector over the years because of its increasing livestock resources, gradual enlightenment of farmers and dedicated and sustained efforts of the Government. The State Government identifi ed Livestock Sector as the most promising sector and Milk, Meat and Egg are the key Growth Engines. Milk is the single largest commodity contributing highest economy to the State.

v  Popular breeds – pride of the state :

ü  Andhra Pradesh takes pride in the country in having famous and world renowned Livestock breeds like Ongole and Punganur in cattle, Godavari Buffaloes, Nellore in sheep and Aseel in poultry. As per Livestock Census 2012, 62.54 lakh out of 126.65 lakh (49.38%) households in the state are engaged in Livestock / Livestock related rearing activities. The Livestock resources in the state include 47.42 lakh Cattle, 64.65 lakh Buffaloes, 135.67 lakh Sheep (1st in country), 45.06 lakh Goats, 1.57 lakh pigs, 0.13 lakh other Livestock, 294.37 lakh total Livestock & 817.85 lakh poultry (3rd in country).

v  Support to the livestock sector:

ü  Animal Husbandry schemes have been formulated to attain well-laid National policies aimed at improving livestock production, fifighting protein hunger, improving nutritional standards of human population and provision of technical support for the maintenance and improvement of livestock.

v  Growing contribution to GSDP :

ü  The contribution of livestock sector to the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of the State is Rs. 76974 Crores at Current Prices, which is 10.46% of the GSDP as per Advanced Estimates of 2017-18. The sector grew at 13.05% at Constant Prices and 15.89% at Current Prices during 2017-18. The GVA from Livestock Sector surpassed that of Agriculture for the fi rst time during 2015-16.

v  Best Practices implemented to achieve Double Digit Growth in Livestock Sector

ü  ·  Fodder Security Policy, Poultry development Policy and Small Ruminant (Sheep and Goat) development Policy (fi rst time in the country), · Fodder conservation through fortifi ed silage, production & distribution, ·  TMR (Total Mixed Ratio) production and distribution, ·  OPGK (Oorura Pashu Grasa Kshethralu) to achieve self-reliance in fodder development ·  Distribution of feeding inputs @ Rs. 1/-Kg of Green Fodder, @ Rs. 2/- per Kg Silage, @ Rs.3/- per Kg of Dry fodder, @ Rs. 3.50/- per Kg Total Mixed Ration and @ Rs. 4/- per Kg concentrate feed to reduce the cost of production ·  Sex Sorted semen ·  IVF / Embryo Transfer Technolgy

v  Livestock Breeding Activities:

v  Artifi cial Insemination Centers

ü  The Artifi cial Inseminations (AI) facility is made available to more than 80% Breedable Cattle and Buffaloes in the state through 6377 Artificial Insemination centers which include – 3021 Animal Husbandry Departmental Institutions; 2875 Gopal Mitra/ MAITRIs; and 481 other AI Centres (Dairy Union, BAIF, RASS, JK Trust & Veterinary College) Centres. 40.49 Lakh Artifi cial Inseminations were conducted and 15.86 Lakh improved progeny calves were born during 2016-17. During this year upto November 2017, (26.67 Lakh) Artifi cial Inseminations were conducted and (10.72 Lakh) improved progeny calves were born.

v  Dairy Development

ü  Key achievements of Andhra Pradesh Dairy Development Cooperative Federation (APDDCF):

ü  APDDCF is supplying Vijaya Vajra+ UHT Milk (enriched with vitamin A & D) of 38 lakh liters per month to more than 25000 AWCs across 257 Projects covering 13 districts of Andhra Pradesh. The preliminary studies and feedback have shown that the acceptance of “Anna Amrutha Hastham” by the target group is overwhelming and had good impact on improving maternal Nutrition and improved birth weights.

ü  A Dairy Plant of 50,000 LPD capacity at an outlay of Rs. 6.50 Cr. is being established under RKVY at G.Kothapalli in West Godavari. ·  An Ultra High Treated (UHT) Milk packaging plant of 80,000 LPD capacity is being established through IDMC on turnkey basis at an outlay of Rs. 26.42 Cr. under RKVY at Madanaplle in Chittoor District. ·  Rs. 2.50 Cr. was sanctioned for implementation of Ratio Balancing Programme (RBP) covering 50 villages in each of the four(4) districts of East Godavari , West Godavari, Ananathapuramu and Kadapa.

ü  Revived Milk Procurement operations in 10 BMCUs through Public Private Participation; 5 BMCUs in Kadapa procuring 6000 LPD and 5 in East Godavari procuring 6000 LPD.

v  Sheep and Goat Development Activities:

ü  The State has brought out a Small Ruminant Development Policy (2015-2020) with an allocation of Rs. 575 Crores to tackle inbreeding problems in Sheep fl ocks and to check Migration of fl ocks during summer season through supply of Silage & TMR to the shepherds at affordable prices. The policy is also aimed to encourage stall feeding and housing to the Sheep fl ocks. The Government has also decided to promote Meat sector in the State through establishment of Meat Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh.

v  Poultry Development:

ü  The Poultry Development Policy (2015-2020) will support poultry farmers through sanction of interest subsidy on WORKING CAPITAL and also offer incentives to the entrepreneurs who wish to establish processing Plants for eggs and chicken and to reduce the cost of production in poultry farming through concessional power tariff. Under TSP, each district with 2400 units of Rural Back Yard Poultry units (Manakodi), targets were fi xed to the Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari & West Godavari districts. Under SCSP, nearly 15000 units of MANAKODI targets were given to the all the districts in the state.

v  Livelihood activities:

ü  8390 Heifer units (cow and buffaloes) were distributed to SC families. Animal Husbandry Department is working in convergence with SC/ST/BC/Kapu Corporations to ground more number of units. Established 129 clusters for ‘Strengthening of Desi Backyard Poultry for Livelihood and Nutritional Security for Women in Tribal Areas (ITDA)’ in collaboration with WASSAN – benefi tted 12900 Tribal farmers.


Animal husbandry is the branch of agriculture concerned with the raising of livestock. It includes the breeding, feeding, and management of livestock, as well as the harvesting of their products. Animal husbandry is a major industry in many parts of the world, and it is essential for the production of food, fiber, and other products.

Animal breeding is the process of selecting and mating animals to produce offspring with desired traits. This can be done for a variety of purposes, such as improving the productivity of livestock, producing animals with specific characteristics, or creating new breeds of animals.

Animal nutrition is the study of the dietary needs of animals. It is important to ensure that animals are getting the nutrients they need to stay healthy and productive. Animal nutrition is a complex field, and it is important to consider the animal’s species, age, breed, and Environment when developing a feeding program.

Animal welfare is the state of well-being of an animal. It is important to ensure that animals are treated humanely and that their needs are met. Animal welfare is a complex issue, and there are many different factors that can affect an animal’s well-being.

Dairy farming is the process of raising dairy cows and producing milk. Milk is a valuable food source, and it is used in a variety of products, such as cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. Dairy farming is a major industry in many parts of the world, and it is essential for the production of milk and dairy products.

Meat production is the process of raising livestock for the purpose of meat production. Meat is a valuable food source, and it is used in a variety of products, such as beef, pork, chicken, and lamb. Meat production is a major industry in many parts of the world, and it is essential for the production of meat and meat products.

Poultry farming is the process of raising poultry, such as chickens, ducks, and turkeys. Poultry is a valuable food source, and it is used in a variety of products, such as chicken, turkey, and eggs. Poultry farming is a major industry in many parts of the world, and it is essential for the production of poultry and poultry products.

Sheep farming is the process of raising sheep. Sheep are raised for their wool, meat, and milk. Sheep farming is a major industry in many parts of the world, and it is essential for the production of wool, meat, and milk.

Swine farming is the process of raising pigs. Pigs are raised for their meat, which is a valuable food source. Swine farming is a major industry in many parts of the world, and it is essential for the production of pork.

Veterinary medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases in animals. Veterinary medicine is a complex and challenging field, and it requires a high level of knowledge and skill. Veterinary medicine is an essential part of animal husbandry, and it is important to ensure that animals are healthy and productive.

Zoo animal management is the process of caring for animals in zoos. Zoo animal management is a complex and challenging field, and it requires a high level of knowledge and skill. Zoo animal management is essential for the welfare of zoo animals, and it is important to ensure that they are healthy and comfortable.

Animal husbandry and dairy are important industries that provide us with food, fiber, and other products. It is important to ensure that animals are treated humanely and that their needs are met.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about animal husbandry and dairy, without mentioning the topic:

  1. What is animal husbandry?
    Animal husbandry is the care and breeding of domestic animals. It includes the production of meat, milk, eggs, and other animal products.

  2. What are the different types of animal husbandry?
    There are many different types of animal husbandry, depending on the type of animal being raised. Some common types of animal husbandry include beef cattle ranching, dairy farming, poultry farming, and swine farming.

  3. What are the benefits of animal husbandry?
    Animal husbandry provides many benefits, including food, clothing, and labor. It also helps to maintain the environment by controlling pests and grazing land.

  4. What are the challenges of animal husbandry?
    Animal husbandry can be challenging, as it requires a lot of time, effort, and resources. It is also important to ensure that animals are treated humanely and that their welfare is protected.

  5. What is the future of animal husbandry?
    The future of animal husbandry is uncertain, as it is facing many challenges, such as Climate change, public health concerns, and animal welfare issues. However, it is still an important part of the global food system, and it is likely to continue to play a role in the future.

  6. What are some common animal husbandry practices?
    Some common animal husbandry practices include breeding, feeding, and housing animals. It is also important to provide animals with veterinary care and to protect them from disease.

  7. What are some of the ethical issues surrounding animal husbandry?
    There are many ethical issues surrounding animal husbandry, such as the treatment of animals, the use of antibiotics, and the environmental impact of animal agriculture.

  8. What are some of the environmental impacts of animal husbandry?
    Animal husbandry has a significant impact on the environment, including greenhouse gas emissions, Water Pollution, and land degradation.

  9. What are some of the ways to reduce the environmental impact of animal husbandry?
    There are many ways to reduce the environmental impact of animal husbandry, such as using sustainable practices, reducing meat consumption, and choosing grass-fed meat.

  10. What are some of the latest trends in animal husbandry?
    Some of the latest trends in animal husbandry include the use of technology, such as sensors and cameras, to monitor animals and improve their welfare. There is also a growing interest in sustainable animal husbandry practices, such as Organic Farming and grass-fed beef.

  1. Which of the following is not a type of livestock?
    (A) Cattle
    (B) Pigs
    (C) Chickens
    (D) Fish

  2. Which of the following is not a dairy product?
    (A) Milk
    (B) Cheese
    (C) Yogurt
    (D) Eggs

  3. Which of the following is not a common animal feed?
    (A) Hay
    (B) Grain
    (C) Grass
    (D) Meat

  4. Which of the following is not a common animal disease?
    (A) Foot-and-mouth disease
    (B) Mad cow disease
    (C) Swine flu
    (D) Chickenpox

  5. Which of the following is not a common animal product?
    (A) Wool
    (B) Leather
    (C) Fur
    (D) Meat

  6. Which of the following is not a common animal use?
    (A) Food
    (B) Clothing
    (C) Transportation
    (D) Labor

  7. Which of the following is not a common animal habitat?
    (A) Farm
    (B) Forest
    (C) Ocean
    (D) Desert

  8. Which of the following is not a common animal conservation effort?
    (A) Reintroduction
    (B) Captive breeding
    (C) Habitat protection
    (D) Hunting

  9. Which of the following is not a common animal welfare issue?
    (A) Overpopulation
    (B) Cruelty
    (C) Disease
    (D) Extinction

  10. Which of the following is not a common animal rights issue?
    (A) Sentience
    (B) Personhood
    (C) Ownership
    (D) Use in research

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